Welcome to
The Blog…
There’s no filter over here. I’m sharing it all - the good, the bad, and the ugly.
We have juicy travel confessions, travel hacks and tips, city guides, and monthly recaps, in case you’re friends and family (or a very kind stranger) who actually cares about the highlights, lowlights, and funny stories from my travels! And trust me - there’s too many hilarious stories to keep up with.
Click here are all the TEFL resources I’ve created - I’ve been there before and want to help you teach English abroad too!
This is where you’ll find the word vomits - the juicy blog posts where I rant, complain, reminisce, and reflect.
Click here for budget tips, packing checklists, travel planning guides, and everything you need to set your next adventure in motion!
1 week in Cambodia: History, pristine beaches, and Angkor WAt
One week in Cambodia is the perfect amount of time to see the capital, the impeccable beaches, and the epic temples of Angkor Wat.
Living the Daydream: Month 16 roundup
My last month a broad was filled with family reunions, oxygen tanks, rainy days, and tears - Thank you Asia for the best year and a half of my life <3

Living the Daydream: Month 15
Oh October, how I love you. Read all about my birthday shenanigans, my favorite travel romance, me knocking my tooth out in Laos, and more! This is a hefty one folks

The best 3 month southeast asia itinerary : Discover Bali, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, and Cambodia
3 months in southeast Asia is the perfect amount of time to thoroughly explore this stunning region of the world - but planning your route can be tricky! Steal my 3 months southeast Asia itinerary and backpack your way through Bali, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, and Cambodia!